

This document is an introduction to UNO, explaining its basic concepts and functions.

What is UNO

Undagrid UNO is a service to leverage smart and IoT devices as gateways to access location and sensor data from a vast amount of available BLE devices. It does this by delivering a suite of tools that make it easy to integrate and use. The suite consists of:


The smart device SDK uses the phone’s positioning systems together with the RSSI of the tag to provide position information. The phone can use GPS, WiFi, Cellular, Bluetooth, or a combination of these technologies to determine its position. The embedded SDK relies on the positioning mechanism of the IoT device, which can be anything from GPS to a static location.


Every location message of a tag is also tagged with the activity of the scanning phone. This information may be used to derive further context information.


Next to location, payload information of a tag can be transferred as well, giving the possibility to gain insights into things like temperature, motion, light, etc.

What payload to send can be configured via the UNO Cloud and does not need any changes to the UNO SDK.

Privacy and Security

Next to location, payload information of a tag can be transferred as well, giving the possibility to gain insights into things like temperature, motion, light, etc.

What payload to send can be configured via the UNO Cloud and does not need any changes to the UNO SDK.

Location awareness

The UNO services are location-aware, meaning that a client can configure what tags to scan where. For instance, fixed tags only need to be scanned at the relevant locations. While roaming tags may cover a much larger area, or come from specific locations. These locations can be configured at leisure and may be as complex as needed for the use case.

Low power

The UNO smart device SDK strives to use as little power as possible, by using location awareness, user activity, and using the phone’s location systems in smart ways, so that impact of the device’s battery life is minimized.

Technical details

In this section, we will go a bit deeper into the technical details of the Undagrid UNO services


As mentioned before, location and payload data are end-to-end encrypted. Meaning that a message is encrypted on the phone, and only decrypted in the client environment. Moreover, every message uses its own individual encryption key, lowering the chances and impact of a key breach.

In more detail, this is how it works:

For the key exchanges X25519 is used, and for encryption aes-128-gcm is used.

Scan profiles

Scan profiles are used to instruct the SDKs to scan for specific beacons. These profiles have two main functions:

Identification of tags is important so that the device can be uniquely identified and the proper encryption methods can be used to transfer the payload data. Extraction of payload information lets you pinpoint whatever specific data you want to extract from the BLE tags without the need to send all the redundant payload data.

Both of these functions are implemented in a similar way. Let’s explore the structure of a scan profile:

Field Description
id an id generated by the UNO cloud
name optional name for the scan profile
scanFor instructs the SDK what to scan for. Currently only BLE 16-bit service ID’s are supported, in the format: uuid://<16-bit hex uuid> ttk a time to live for the profile. After this time the SDK needs to reload the profile from the server
matches an array of match objects, described below

The matches are the powerhouse of the Scan Profile and describe what to filter:

Field Description
match A regular expression. This regular expression tries to match the payload data of the BLE packet. In case of service data, it only matches the service data payload
id an optional regular expression replacement to form the identifier of the ble tag. When this field is missing, normal payload data is assumed
group an array of match indexes that form the type of packet. This is used by the SDK to duplicate payload data
payload an array of match indexes that form the payload to transfer. if this field is missing, the full payload is transferred


"properties": {
"scanProfiles": [

To determine what get’s scanned and where one or more GeoJSON files can be uploaded to the UNO Cloud. These are standard GeoJSON files. Every feature can be tagged with multiple Scan Profiles ids’ by adding them to the features properties object as an array.


A bucket is a logical endpoint for a client to fetch data. Every BLE tag that the clients add to the UNO Cloud can be assigned to a bucket. So the bucket aggregates data from all the tags assigned to it. The client can then access all this aggregated data all at once via a single API call.

The API call can be used in polling mode, so, called every few seconds to fetch new data. Or in long-polling mode, where the client keeps the connection open, and new data is pushed in real-time to the client until the connection is closed again.

Buckets also offer some statistics on the number of messages delivered to it and the number of currently buffered messages.
